
Gerrit Smith (1797-1874)

Gerrit Smith (1797-1874)

Some historians do not share the stories of cooperation between Black and White abolitionists united in a common cause of providing freedom for runaways. In addition,...

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A Message to Supporters

A Message to Supporters

We invite you to join us in an endeavor beyond a book's pages. It's a journey into the heart of humanity's shared history, a chance to amplify the Black voices that have...

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The Legacy of Julius Rosenwald

The Legacy of Julius Rosenwald

Julius Rosenwald saw a need in the Jim Crow South and he thought he could contribute a solution. The Rosenwald School Project was the brainchild of Booker T. Washington and...

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What Is Juneteenth?

What Is Juneteenth?

The portmanteau word Juneteenth is from the words June and nineteenth and is often called Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Liberation Day, or Emancipation Day. It was signified...

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The Greatest Privilege…

The Greatest Privilege…

by William Altman Why would I be qualified to write this blog?  I grew up in the very pleasant midwestern town of Brecksville, Ohio.  My neighbors could have been the Norman...

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YAAHA is dedicated to challenging conventional narratives about Black history while
sharing stories about Blacks who are represented in every milestone of American
Donate today! Help us publish more copies of The Chronicle of Heroes, Black
Contributions to America so we can change perspectives about Black history in
America. Share these aspirational messages to empower children of all races.


The first group of The Chronicle of Heroes, Black Contributions to America, has
been published. Donations will allow us to continue publishing more books to distribute
to the public so that our youth can see the truth about Black history.