Resilience in Art by Denicia Crutcher-Lyons

Resilience in Art by Denicia Crutcher-Lyons

“We know we are beautiful. And ugly too…”-Langston Hughes 1926                                                                                                                                                                                                       A...
Creole History by Denicia Crutcher-Lyons

Creole History by Denicia Crutcher-Lyons

Creole history is very deeply rooted in Louisiana history. The Creole culture consists of ones who descended from the enslaved, French, and Spanish colonists who came to Louisiana. Being Creole meant having various racial and ethnic groups come together, creating a...
Gerrit Smith (1797-1874)

Gerrit Smith (1797-1874)

Some historians do not share the stories of cooperation between Black and White abolitionists united in a common cause of providing freedom for runaways. In addition, historians don’t acknowledge the cooperation of Black and White abolitionists on the Underground...